Siddhivinayak Temple Pooja Online Booking Easy Mumbai Dadar
Know the latest details about the Siddhivinayak Temple Pooja Online Booking Easy Mumbai Dadar, Siddhivinayak Temple Darshan Booking
Siddhivinayak Temple is one of the most crowded temples in the city. The temple is located in the prime area of Dadar in Mumbai. The pilgrims who want to visit the Siddhivinayak Temple have to book for the Darshan before itself. As the temple is crowded too much the pilgrims will not be able to get the pooja tickets offline after coming to the temple. On normal days, the temple crowd is somewhat less and the pilgrims will be able to get the tickets for the pooja
During the weekends, festivals or special days of the Siddhivinayak Temple temple, the pilgrims will not be able to get the pooja or Seva tickets at the temple ticket counter. In this case, it is highly suggested for the pilgrims to book for the pooja or Seva tickets online at the official platforms for the Siddhivinayak Temple. The pilgrims can follow the below procedure to get the Siddhivinayak Temple Pooja Online Booking
Siddhivinayak Temple Pooja Online Booking Easy Mumbai Dadar
- First, the pilgrims have to register on the Siddhivinayak Temple Official website or on the app
- Click here to Register on the Siddhivinayak Temple Offical website
- Click here to Install the Siddhivinayak Temple Mobile App
- Once the pilgrims are able to install the app or the website, they have to signup for the website first. Once the signup is finished with the Mobile number based OTP, the pilgrims can log in to the website
- Once the pilgrims’ login to the Siddhivinayak Temple website or app, they can book the pooja or Seva which they want to attend
- The pilgrims have to select the date and time of the Pooja they want and then finish the payment
- After finishing the payment, the pilgrims can go to the temple to attend the pooja
- Click Here to Know more details about Siddhivinayak Temple Avartan Shodashopchar Pooja