Dharmasthala Temple Online Seva Booking Cost Procedure Timing

Know the details about the Dharmasthala Temple Online Seva Booking Cost Procedure Timing, Dharmasthala Temple Online Seva Booking Procedure

Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Temple offers many seva to the Lord here. The pilgrims can participate in the pooja and also worship of the Lord here in three ways. The pilgrims can come to the temple directly and get the Darshan of the Lord. In this Darshan only, the pilgrims will not get any extra pooja. The pilgrims can also worship the Lord by coming to the Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Temple and can participate in the temple seva. The temple will be performing many seva to the Lord and the piglrims can book for the same and worship the lord. Apart from this, the pilgrims can book for the Online Seva in the Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Temple and can participate in the temple. In this type of pooja, the pilgrims need not come to the temple and need to pay the amount for the seva. Then the temple will be doing the seva in the name of the pilgrims.

Dharmasthala Temple Online Seva Booking Cost Procedure Timing

  • The Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Temple Online seva can be booked online on the temple website. The pilgrims can directly visit the temple and register on the website using their mobile number and the OTP.
  • Once the pilgrims register on the website, the pilgrims can book for the Online Seva. There is various online seva which the piglrims can book on the list of the seva. Once the pilgrim books for the seva, the piglrims will get the confirmation SMS and also Email the registered details.
  • The pilgrims can book for the Shatha Rudrabhisheka, Sri Prasada, Theertha Prasada, Bilva Pathrarchana, Karpoorarathi, Panchamruthabhisheka with Ekadasha Rudrabhisheka Brahmadaya, Brahmarpana Online
  • Once the pilgrims finish the Online seva booking, the temple will be doing the pooja in the name of the piglrims on the specified date.
  • The pilgrims can book for the Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Temple Online from here

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