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HomeKeralaPazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple Kanike Online Benefits List

Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple Kanike Online Benefits List

Know the details about the Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple Kanike Online Benefits List, Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple Kanike Procedure

Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple: A Complete Guide to Kanike Offerings

The Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple, located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is a popular temple dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Among the various offerings made by devotees, “Kanike” or donations hold special importance. These contributions help maintain the temple and support its numerous activities.

Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple Kanike Online Benefits List

Details of Kanike

Kanike refers to the voluntary donations made by devotees to the temple. These offerings can be in the form of money, materials, or services. The tradition of making Kanike is deeply rooted in Hindu culture, symbolizing the devotee’s gratitude and devotion towards the deity.

Online Process for Kanike

The temple has streamlined the process for making Kanike through its official website. Here’s how you can make an online donation:

  1. Visit the temple’s official website.
  2. Navigate to the Kanike section.
  3. Select the type of donation you wish to make.
  4. Fill in the required details, including your name, contact information, and donation amount.
  5. Complete the payment using available online payment methods like credit/debit cards or net banking.

Types of Kanike

The temple accepts various types of Kanike, including:

  • Monetary Donations: Direct cash contributions.
  • Material Donations: Items like coconuts, fruits, flowers, and other pooja materials.
  • Service Donations: Volunteering time and skills for temple activities.
  • Special Pooja Sponsorships: Funding specific rituals and ceremonies conducted at the temple.

Offline Process for Kanike

Devotees can also make Kanike directly at the temple. The offline process includes:

  1. Visit the temple during operating hours.
  2. Approach the designated donation counter.
  3. Inform the staff of the type and amount of your donation.
  4. Fill out any necessary forms and submit your donation.
  5. Collect the receipt as proof of your contribution.

Benefits of Making Kanike

Making Kanike to the Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple brings several benefits:

  • Spiritual Satisfaction: Contributing to the temple enhances your spiritual connection with Lord Ganesha.
  • Community Support: Your donations support the temple’s maintenance and various charitable activities.
  • Blessings: It is believed that making generous donations invites the blessings of Lord Ganesha, bringing prosperity and removing obstacles from your life.

About Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple

This historic temple is situated near the East Fort in Thiruvananthapuram. The temple is famous for its unique idol of Lord Ganesha seated with his right leg folded. It is a major spiritual center, drawing devotees from across the country.

Things to Know

  • The temple gets extremely crowded, especially during festivals, so plan accordingly.
  • Limited parking space is available; public transportation is recommended.
  • Photography inside the temple premises is generally not allowed.
  • The temple premises are wheelchair accessible.


Q: What is the best time to visit the Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple? A: Early morning or late evening is ideal to avoid crowds.

Q: Can non-Hindus make Kanike? A: Yes, non-Hindus can make donations, but they should adhere to the temple rules and dress code.

Q: Is there an entry fee for the temple? A: No, entry is free, but donations and special poojas require payment.

Q: Are there any other attractions nearby? A: Yes, the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple and local markets are nearby.

In conclusion, making Kanike at the Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple offers both spiritual and community benefits. Whether you choose to donate online or offline, every contribution helps maintain this sacred site and supports its activities. This temple remains a must-visit destination for those seeking Lord Ganesha’s blessings in Thiruvananthapuram.

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