Vaishno Devi Palki Charges Pony Pithu Porters Booking Timings
Know the latest news about the Vaishno Devi Palki Charges Pony Pithu Porters Booking Timings, Vaishno Dev Temple Palki Katra to Ardhkuwari
Vaishno temple has many transport options for the pilgrim to travel from Katra to the temple. One of the options which the pilgrims can choose is through the Palki which is known as the Pithu location. The Palki is nothing but a palanquin for the pilgrims carried by two or four people based on the weight. The pilgrims can book the Palki along with Ponies and also the porters to carry the luggage. One can book the Palki for up and down travel and the pilgrims can book these facilities officaially
Vaishno Devi Palki Charges Pony Pithu Porters Booking Timings
Below are the prices of the palki for the Vaishno Devi temple and the pilgrims can book from different places accordingly. Please note, all the prices are fixed by the temple authorities to make sure there are in over pricing by the vendors.