Sunya Masam 2023 Start End Date Timings Muhurtham Days
Know the details about the Sunya Masam 2023 Start End Date Timings Muhurtham Days, Shoony Month Telugu Calendar Festival Function Days
Sunya Masam is the month in the Telugu and Tamil calendar. Sunya Masam got its name because in this month there will not be any muhurtham or else any good days. So there will be no functions and also special pooja in this month. So this month is called as the Sunya Masam or the Shoonya Masam. Many people will be following the Sunya Masam in the south India. The Sunya Masam will be starting in the month of December every year and will be completed in the month of January.
The Sunya Masam will be mostly for a span of 30 days in the year. The Sunya Masam will be calculated based on the Panchangam of the respective regions. For the year 2023 also the Sunya Masam is calculated in the below dates
Sunya Masam 2023 Start End Date Timings Muhurtham Days
The Sunya Masam 2023 start date is on December 16, 2022
The Sunya Masam 2023 end date is on January 14, 2023
- The days between on the above dates is called as the Sunya Masam. There are no Muhurthamd rates in the Sunya Masam because there are no dates available in the Sunya Masam
- The people will not be doing any marriages or any other functions in the Sunya Masam. The pilgrims will be doing the spiritual pooja. The pooja and the spiritual work is allowed during the Sunya Masam 2023
- After the Sunya Masam in the year 2023 is completed. Then the pilgrims will be doing the functions and also the marriages for the month
- The Pilgrims however, will be doing the spiritual travel and also the special pooja in this month. The Sunya Masam will end with the Sankranti day in the next year. The Sunya Masam is considered as the end of the Muhurtham dates in the year. This is about the Sunya Masam 2023 Start End Date Timings Muhurtham Days
Click Here to Know the Devtional Pooja Details on Sunya Masam
Click Here to Purattaasi Masam 2023 Muhurtham Dates