Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeTirumala AccomodationAditya Birla Nilayam Tirumala Online Booking Rent Phone Number

Aditya Birla Nilayam Tirumala Online Booking Rent Phone Number

Know the details about the Aditya Birla Nilayam Tirumala Online Booking Rent Phone Number, Tirumala Aditya Birla Rest House Rooms Online Book

Aditya Birla Nilayam is the Private rest house in Tirumala. The pilgrims who come to the Tirumala temple can book for the TTD rooms from TTD or else the Private Rest Houses. There are many private rest houses which is located in Tirumala. The pilgrims can go to a particular rest house and can book for the rooms. Most of the rooms in these private rest houses are also maintained and also rented by the TTD directly. The pilgrims need to get the recommendation for the pilgrims rooms in the Aditya Birla Nilayam.

Aditya Birla Nilayam Tirumala Online Booking Rent Phone Number

  • The pilgrims if need to get the Aditya Birla Nilayam Rooms can book the rooms when available. Most of the rooms in the Tirumala which is available in the Private Rest houses are not easily accessible to common pilgrims.
  • The rooms will be allotted to the pilgrims when they have the recommendation letters or else the pilgrims can get the rooms in the Tirumala Booking counter.
  • Most of the rooms in the Aditya Birla Nilayam will be maintained by the SPGH Tickets Allottment centers. The pilgrims can reach these rooms booking counter and can book for the rooms
  • The rooms prices in the Aditya Birla Nilayam ranges from Rs 2000 – Rs 10000 per day. The pilgrims can book for the rooms based on the budget
  • But as the rooms in the Aditya Birla Nilayamis mostly reserved for the pilgrims who are VIP’s. It is tough for the common pilgrims to book for the rooms in the Aditya Birla Nilayam
  • The pilgrims can also call the Phone number of the Aditya Birla Nilayam and can enquire about the Rooms Booking near the Temple. The pilgrims can book for the rooms when available.

Click Here for the Aditya Birla Nilayam Tirumala Online Booking Now

Click Here for the details about the Srinivasa Mangapuram Temple Rooms Booking Online



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