Bhadrachalam Nitya Kalyanam Tickets Online Booking
Bhadrachalam Nitya Kalyanam Tickets Online Booking as below provides the details about the Kalyanam tickets in the temple. Bhadrachalam temple is very important temple among the devotees of Lord Rama. Every year lakhs of pilgrims will be visiting the temple and will be taking part in the kalyanam which is performed in the Bhadrachalam temple. The Kalyanam will be performed daily in the temple and hence it is called as the Nitya Kalyanam for the Lord Rama. The Bhadrachalam temple Kalyanam have huge number of pilgrims participating daily inside the temple.
The Kalyanam in the temple is conducted in batches and hence pilgrims can book the Kalyanam tickets in the counter when they visit the temple. The Kalyanam tickets in the Bhadrachalam temple can be purchased at the temple counters and the details of the Kalyanam at the Bhadrachalam temple is as following.
Bhadrachalam Nitya Kalyanam Tickets Online Booking
- The Kalyanam in the temple is performed daily inside the temple. The timings of the Kalyanam at the Bhadrachalam temple is from morning 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
- The Kalhyanam can be performed daily by either a single person or can be performed as a couple. Apart from the person who has booked for the Kalyanam other people and family members can sit in the gallery and can watch the Kalyanam
- The cost of the Ticket is Rs.1000 for one couple or Single
- The Kalyanam will be performed in the Mandapam which is back of the temple. But the Mandapam will be in the temple premises only.
- Pilgrims can purchase the tickets for the Kalyanam once they arrive at the temple. The pilgrims may need to arrive early for the tickets as its first come first serve basis. The pilgrims need to come in Traditional clothes as per the Indian culture
- The Kalyanam in the temple is performed in a batch of 100-300 people based on the crowd on that particular day.
- Kalyanam will not be performed on Pavitrotsvam, Brahmotsavam and Vaikunta Ekadasi days.