Know the details about the Gayatri Sadan Tirumala Rooms Online Booking Facilites Cost TTD, Tirumala Gayatri Sadan Rest House Rooms Booking Procedure
There are many rest houses in Tirumala which the pilgrims can book for staying at the temple. Gayatri Sadan is one of the most prominent rest houses in Tirumala. The Gayatri Sadan is maintained by the TTD and the bookings also will be handled by the TTD only. Some of the rest houses in Tirumala is dedicated and also reserved for the VIP pilgrims. Gayatri Sadan is one of the VIP Rest house in Tirumala. The pilgrims who fall under the VIP Darshan category only will be provided with the Gayatri Sadan rest house. The pilgrims can book for the Gayatri Sadan after coming to Tirumala and can book at the SPGH Booking counter.
Gayatri Sadan Tirumala Rooms Online Booking Facilities Cost TTD
Gayatri Sadan Tirumala Location
The Gayatri Sadan is located near the SVGH Area on the main road. The pilgrims can reach the main temple from the Gayatri Sadan with just 15 15-minute walk. The pilgrims can also reach the queue complex with in 10 minutes from the Gayatri Sadan. The Gayatri Sadan is located in the prime area in Tirumala
Gayatri Sadan Tirumala Facilites
The Gayatri Sadan will have good facilities for the pilgrims as it is allotted to the pilgrims who are VIPs. The complete rest houses will be provided to one pilgrim or the family only. There are three bed rooms in the Gayatri Sadan with an attached wash room. Car parking is available in the Gayatri Sadan Rest houses compound. The rooms have AC and the wash rooms will have hot water as well.
Gayatri Sadan Booking Procedure Online
- The pilgrims can book for the Gayatri Sadan Tirumala after coming to Tirumala. The Gayatri Sadan is also allotted for the pilgrims who come to the Tirumala temple with a recommendation letter.
- The Gayatri Sadan Rooms Cost is Rs 5000 per night. The pilgrims can report to the SPGH Room Allotment counter and can get the details about the Gayatri Sadan.
- The pilgrims can also book for the Gayatri Sadan in advance by calling the TTD JEO Camp office if the pilgrims falls under the VIP Category. The pilgrims then can directly come to the Tirumala rest house and can get the rooms.
- The TTD will reserve the rooms for the pilgrims if there is an advance booking
Click Here to Book for the Gayatri Sadan Tirumala Rooms Online Booking