Know the details about the GMR Guest House Tirumala Contact Number Online Booking Rent, Tirumala GMR Guest House Facilities Booking Location
GMR Guest House is the Rest house which is located in Tirumala. The GMR Guest House is a private rest house which has many number of rooms. The pilgrims who wanted to book for the GMR Guest House in Tirumala can book without the online booking. The plgrims need not go to the Tirumala official website for the booking of the GMR Guest House. The pilgrims can call the rest house and can book for the rooms. But the GMR Guest House is mostly provided to the pilgrims who come to the Tirumala temple with the recommendation letters and also the pilgrims who are VIP’s.
The TTD will be allocating the rooms in the GMR Guest House for the pilgrims who also contact the TTD for the VIP Rooms. Moslty the private rest houses in Tirumala is reserved for the pilgrims who are in the VIP Category. The pilgrims can also come to the GMR Guest House directly and can book the rooms.
GMR Guest House Tirumala Contact Number Online Booking Rent
- The Process of Booking the GMR Guest House in Tirumala is very simple. The pilgrims first have to reach the Tirumala temple. If the pilgrims fall under the VIP Category, the pilgrims can go directly to the JEO office.
- In the JEO Office, the pilgrims need to submit the required documents for the room booking. Once the documents are verified, the pilgrims will be allotted the rooms in the GMR Guest House
- If the pilgrims come to Tirumala with the recommendation letters, then the pilgrims need to report to the SPGH Booking office. There the pilgrims need to submit the documents which is required for the booking of the rooms.
- Once the documents are verified, the pilgrims will be allotted the rooms. The pilgrims cannot book for the rooms by direclty coming to the GMR Guest House or calling the Phone numbers.
Click Here for the Location of the GMR Guest House in Tirumala