Know the details about the ISKCON Temple Tirupati Food Timings Daily Free Donation Today, Tirupati ISKCON Temple Daily Food Donation Free Food
Tirumala and Turupati has many visiting places for the pilgrims. ISKCON which is lcoated in Tirupati is one of the major tourist attractions which is lcoated in Tirupati. The pilgrims who come to the Tirumala temple can visit the ISKCON temple which is lcoated near alipiri and is on the way to the Tirumala. The pilgrims can see the Lord Krishna in the ISKCON temple and can have the Darshan. The ISKCON temple in Tirumala is built in a lotus shape with very good architecture and also with good facilities. The pilgrims can get the Darshan in the Tirupati ISKCON temple easily.
Many of the ISKCON temple worldwide employs the Free food concept. Means the pilgrims who come to the temple will be provided free food to eat. Most of the ISKCON branches will be providing the food to the pilgrims. The pilgrims can come to the ISKCON temple and can make sure get the ISKCON Prasadam.
ISKCON Temple Tirupati Food Timings Daily Free Donation Today
- For now the ISKCON temple in the Tirupati donot have any Free food for the pilgrims. The pilgrims who come to the temple can get a small amount of prasadam in the temple for Free.
- Apart from that, the temple will be not providing any annadanam means the Free food to the pilgrims. Even though many branches of the ISKCON do the seva in the form of food, the ISKCON in Tirupati has not employed yet.
- The temple has started a restaurant inside the temple premises which is called as the Govinda’s restaurant. The pilgrims can go the restaurant and can have the food.
- The pilgrims however need to pay for the food in the ISKCON Restaurant which is lcoated inside the temple. The timings of the ISKCON Restaurant will be available from morning to evening.
Click Here for the Location of the ISKCON Temple Food Restuarant