Krishna Janmashtami 2022 Date Exact Tithi ISKCON Timings
Know the latest news about the Krishna Janmashtami 2022 Date Exact Tithi ISKCON Timings, Gokulashtami Festival Indian Timings Date Pooja
Krishna Janmashtami is an important Indian festival which is also known as the Gokulashtami. This day is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Krishna. In the temple of the Lord Krishna Krishna Janmashtami is the most important festival. The festival is celebrated in almost all the states in India. The festival is an one day festival on which Lord Krishna is worshipped. Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated in a very grand manner in the ISKCON temple.
The timings and the date of the Krishna Janmashtami for the year 2022 is as below. The festival can be celebrated on both days as below as the tithi is available for two days in this year. On this day the Lord Krishna is celebrated in every home. The Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated with special poojas in all the Krishna temples. On this day, the pilgrims will be cooking sweets and then will be offering to Krishna as prasadam
Krishna Janmashtami 2022 Date Exact Tithi ISKCON Timings
- Sri Krishna Janmashtami Date 2022: August 18, 2022, Thu
- Sri Krishna Janmashtami Nishita Puja : August 19, 2022 12:04 am to 12:48 am
- Duration of the Pooja Timings: 42 Minutes
- Sri Krishna Janmashtami Dahi Handi Day: August 19, 2022, Friday
- ISKCON Krishna Janmashtami Date: August 19, 2022, Friday
- ISKCON Nishita Puja Timings: Aug 20, 2022; 12:04 AM to 12:47 AM
- Duration of the Pooja Timings: 44 Minutes
Above are the timings of the Krishna Janmashtami for the year 2022. The dates are different for the normal panchangam and also the ISKCON temples. So both dates can be celebrated. But the exact date for the Krishna Janmashtami is on 18 August 202 as per the Indian Panchangam
- It is highly suggested for the people who follow the panchangam dates and tithi to celebrate the Krishna Janmashtami on 18th August 2022 only
- The pilgrims who follow the ISKCON movement can choose the other date of the Krishna Janmashtami
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