Kukke Subramanya Hair Offering Timings Location Booking Cost

Know the details about the Kukke Subramanya Hair Offering Timings Location Booking Cost, Kukke Subramanya Temple Hair Offering Procedure

Kukke Subramanya Temple is visited by the pilgrims who come for the Darshan and also for the offerings in the temple. The pilgrims will be coming to the temple for various types of offerings. The pilgrims will be offering many types based on the function and also the situation in the homes. The pilgrims will be offering the hair in the temple which is also called as the Mundan. The pilgrims must come to the Kukke Subramanya Temple directly to offer their hair in the temple. The pilgrims have to first come to the Kukke Subramanya Temple and then book the tickets. Most of the pilgrims who come to the Kukke Subramanya Temple for the Offering of hair would have prayed to the Lord that the hair of the kid will be offered in the temple. The pilgrims will be coming to the temple and will be offering the Mundan in the temple venue provided for the Mundan.

Kukke Subramanya Hair Offering Timings Location Booking Cost

  • The Kukke Subramanya Temple has provided a separate venue and also a location for the pilgrims to offer their hair. The timings of the Hair offering in the Kukke Subramanya is from 06.00 AM  – 01.30 PM.
  • The pilgrims can come to the temple and then book the Hair offering ticket in the temple. The Hair offering tickets for the pilgrims is Rs 25 per head. The pilgrims can purchase the same at the venue.
  • There is a separate hair offering building for the building to offer the hair in the temple. The pilgrims can also avail the facilities in the building like bathing and hot water.
  • If the pilgrims needed a hot water facility for the Bathing they needed to pay an extra amount for the water. The pilgrims will be getting cold water for bathing by default

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