Makara Sankranti Puja Vidhanam Telugu Procedure Panchangam

Know the details about the Makara Sankranti Puja Vidhanam Telugu Procedure Panchangam, Sankranti Pooja Vidhi Telugu Culture at Home Online

Makara Sankranti which is also known as the Sankranti is a very important festival. This festival is celebrated by different names in different regions. Even though Makara Sankranti is celebrated mostly in the South Indian region, the way to celebrate the festival varies from state to state. The states which mostly celebrate the Makara Sankranti are Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu. In Tamilnadu, the Makara Sankranti is celebrated as the Pongal. The majority of the people in the Telugu states will celebrate Makara Sankranti in the same way.

The Makara Sankranti is celebrated in three days long festivals. The first day of the festival is Bhogi, the second day is Makara Sankranti and the third day is Kanuma. This festival is celebrated in a grand manner in the agriculture-based families. The Makara Sankranti which is also known as the Sankranti will be celebrated in the same pooja vidhanam in almost all the states.

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Makara Sankranti Puja Vidhanam Telugu Procedure Panchangam

  • As per the Telugu procedure and panchangam, the Sankranti will be celebrated by leaving the tharpanam for the ancestors and also doing the pooja for the ancestors
  • The person who is doing the tharpanam for the ancestors will be waking in the morning and will be taking a head bath. Some people will do this at home, some people will go to the temple or river and will do it with the priest
  • Once the tharpanam is finished the people will be going home and then will be offering new clothes to the ancestors along with the pooja. The Pooja will be like offering the prasadam and then offering the harathi
  • Once this is completed the Sankranti festival is said to completed. Some people will be going to the Lord Shiva temple in the evening

Click Here to Know the Sankranti Tithi from the Panchangam Online


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