Srinivasam Tirupati Pilgrims Accommodation Complex
If you are planning to stay in Tirumala and is unable to get accommodation in Tirumala in any Guest houses, then you have a very best option to stay in Tirupati at Srinivasam. Srinivasam in Tirupati is a Guest house which is maintained by TTD and will be allotted only to pilgrims who are travelling to Tirumala for Darshan. Many times, the Guest houses and accommodation in Tirumala gets completely filled, due to which TTD will not be able to accommodate pilgrims in Tirumala. In this case, pilgrims books Srinivasam alternatively and stay in Tirupati. Pilgrims travels to Tirumala from Srinivasam and get back for stay to Tirupati.
Reaching Srinivasam Location from Tirupati Railway Station
Srinivasam is just walk-able distance from Railway stations. It just take 15-29 minutes walk from Railway Station. You need to walk straight to M S Subbalaksmi Statue and you can see Srinivasam from there.
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For Direction to Srinivasam from Tirupati Railway Station Click Here
Reaching Srinivasam from Tirupati Bus Station
From Bus station Srinivasam is 2 minutes walk. You can come out of bus station and can take the under bridge which directly takes to Srnivasam Complex.
Facilities of Srinivasam Complex
- You can book current Seva and Darshan tickets from the counters here
- Many travel facilities and guidance is available from here
- AC and Non AC Rooms are availbale for accomodation
- Nationalized banks and ATMs available
- Many hotels are available near by to any type of restaurant
- PAC (Pilgrims Amenities Center) with Locker facility is available for free and a caution deposit of Rs. 500 should be paid, which will be returned after giving keys back.
- TTD Help Centers are available 24/7
Online Booking of Srinivasam Tirupati Pilgrims Accommodation
- 50% of Rooms in Srinivasam is allotted for Online Booking. Pilgrims can book 60 days in advance on TTD Online Website.
- Only one room per user can be booked and a user can book for one day and it can extended to one more day at the complex itself. If you plan to stay beyond 2 Days, you need pay double the rent.
- Cancellation and change in dates are not allowed.
On Arrival Booking of Srinivasam Tirupati Pilgrims Accommodation
- 50% of Rooms in Srinivasam is allotted for On arrival Booking.
- Only one room is allotted to a person and can be booked for current date only.
- One day Room rent has to be paid as Caution deposit which will be returned during checkout.
- Receipt of Rooms Booking and the same person should be presented while checkout
Srinivasam Tirupati Pilgrims Accommodation Tariff / day
Non A.C.Rooms : Rs.200.00
A/C Rooms : Rs.400.00
A/C Deluxe Rooms : Rs.600.00
Contact Details Srinivasam Tirupati Pilgrims Accommodation
The Superintendent, Phone: 0877-2264541
Hi Sir I booked 2 rooms for 25-08-2023 AC room. Is it possible to extend my stay for one more night?
Hello, Please follow the above specified procedure. Thanks