Know the details about the Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva Timings Online Booking Tickets Cost, Tiruchanur Temple Tiruppavada Seva Booking Procedure

Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva is the daily seva which is done in the Padmavathi temple. The pilgrims can book for the Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva and participate in the seva. The seva is conducted in the temple daily. The timing tickets cost and the location of the Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva are as below.

Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva

Please note, that the Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva will get the Prasadam along with the seva and the Darshan. Once the pilgrims complete the Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva, they will be allowed to participate in the Darshan. After the Darshan is completed, the pilgrims will be provided with the seva pradadam. The pilgrims can book for the Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva online and offline. For online booking, the pilgrims need to book for the seva at least 3 months from the date of the seva. Offline booking is also available for the Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva. The pilgrims can come to the temple and can book the seva at the temple ticket counter.

Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva Timings Online Booking Tickets Cost

  • The timings of the Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva are from 07.00 AM – 08.00 AM daily. The pilgrims should report to the Special Darshan entrance at 06.30 AM.
  • Then the pilgrims can get the Darshan tickets. The ticket counter will be issuing 50 tickets to the pilgrims daily to book offline. The tickets will be provided on a first first serve basis.
  • The pilgrims should wear the traditional clothes of the Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva. The pilgrims will be allowed inside the temple at 07.00 AM. Once the pilgrims complete the seva, the pilgrims will be allowed for the Darshan at 07.30 AM.
  • After the Darshan is completed, the pilgrims can come to the temple prasadam counter and can get the prasadam which is allotted for the Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva.

Click Here to Book for the Tiruchanur Tiruppavada Seva Online Now

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