Tirumala Arya Vysya Satram Online Booking Rooms Phone Details
Know the details about the Tirumala Arya Vysya Satram Online Booking Rooms Phone Details, Arya Vysya Satram Tirumala Rooms Accommodation Online
Arya Vysya Satram in Tirumala is one of the most booked satram in Tirumala. Every year lakhs of pilgrims will be coming to the Tirumala temple. The pilgrims wanted to stay in the Tirumala temple for a day. The experience of staying in the Tirumala temple is amazing. For this purpose, the TTD has built many of the guest houses for the pilgrims. These Guest houses have thousands of rooms per day. Each Guest house can accommodate lakhs of pilgrims per night in Tirumala. Apart from the rest houses built by the TTD, there are some private rest houses also for the pilgrims. The rest houses are built by mutts and other private organizations.
One of them is the Arya Vysya Satram in Tirumala. This satram in located just behind the temple. The temple is walkable from the Arya Vysya Satram in Tirumala. The pilgrims who belongs to the Arya Vysya can book this Arya Vysya Satram. The pilgrims can book in advance for the stay in Tirumala.
Tirumala Arya Vysya Satram Online Booking Rooms Phone Details
- To book for the Arya Vysya Satram in Tirumala and Tirupati the pilgrims can contact the Phone numbers. The Phone number of the Arya Vysya Satram in Tirumala and Tirupati is 09849517012, 09989312438
- There are 180 rooms in the Arya Vysya Satram in Tirupati. The pilgrims cannot book for the rooms online as of now. The pilgrims can get the rooms in the Arya Vysya Satram in two ways.
- The pilgrims can call the above number and can book for the rooms in advance. The pilgrims may need to pay the advance amount for the booking online for confirmation. The rooms will be blocked for the pilgrims.
- The pilgrims can also go to the Arya Vysya Satram directly and avail the rooms if available only. The rooms in the Arya Vysya Satram is first come first serve basis only
Click Here to Get the Location of the Arya Vysya Satram in Tirumala Tirupati
Click here for details about the Tirumala Srivani Tickets Booking Tirupati Airport
I’m looking for rooms in tirumala during the month of Aug-2023. I tried reaching the above mentioned numbers but no luck. Those numbers are Arya Vysya satram in Tirupati but not in tirumala. Unfortunately they are not supporting in sharing the numbers of Tirumala satram.
I didn’t find any other procedure to follow.
Hello, Please follow the above-specified procedure and information. Thanks
Hello sir
tomorrow room is avilable can you please check and conform us
single occupenancey will you provide room
Hello, Please follow the above-specified procedure and information. Thanks
Hi I need two rooms on 18th &19th August 2023, can you please let know the process of booking the rooms
Hello, Please follow the above-specified procedure and information. Thanks
Rooms available tommorow
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Wanted room
Hello, Please follow the above-specified procedure and information. Thanks
hi can we know the exact contact number to book the rooms in tirumala
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Above number doesn’t needs to be valid
Hello, Please follow the above-specified procedure and information. Thanks
sIR I CALLEDto 09849517012 to book a Room for 2nd Sep,2024 to my surprise I received reply stating that only Donor’s can book a Room ,if so it can be called as private houses instead of naming as ARYA VYSHYA SATRAM.
Hello, Kindly contact the Satram Directly. Thanks
the standard reply i noticed is “Hello, Please follow the above-specified procedure and information. Thanks” SHOWS the attitude towards yatrickulu.
Hello, Please follow the above-specified procedure and information. Thanks
I need room on march 9th 2025 . Is there sny rooms available.
Hello, Due to Vaikunta Ekadasi rooms might not be available. Thanks
I was called to 09849517012 to book a Room for 30th & 31st March,2025 to our stay..
I received reply stating that only DONORS can book a Room,
If so it can be called as DONOR SATRAM instead of naming as ARYA VYSHYA SATRAM..
Hello, Only Donors can book for the rooms at any cost. Thanks