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HomeTirumala SevaTirumala L1 Break Darshan Timings Eligibility Procedure Cost

Tirumala L1 Break Darshan Timings Eligibility Procedure Cost

Know the latest news about the Tirumala L1 Break Darshan Timings Eligibility Procedure Cost, Tirumala TTD L1 VIP Darshan TTD Online Booking

Tirumala temple allowed the VIP coming to the temple to have special darshan. This Darshan is not allowed normally and only VIP’s are allowed. Previously the Tiumala temple use to have different types of Darshan like L1, L2 and L3 for different types of people to allow for the VIP darshan. But after some latest changes, the TTD has only L1 VIP Darshan which is reserved completely for VIP’s. This Darshan is allowed for even the pilgrims who comes to Tirumala with recommendation letters. But the recommenatation letter should be from the higher post holding people.

Other than the L1 VIP Darshan, the TTD has the Srivani Break Darshan which provides VIP Darshan. There are only two types of VIP Darshan present in the Tirumala temple for the Darshan now. The pilgrims can avail the Srivani Darshan any time and any day. Other levels of Darshan like L2 and L3 are cancelled by the TTD and are not available now. To get the L1 Darshan from the TTD Tirumala temple the pilgrims have to follow the below procedure

Tirumala L1 Break Darshan Timings Eligibility Procedure Cost

  • The VIP who wants to get the L1 Darshan has to report or inform the authorities in the MBC 24. The MBC 24 is the office where the pilgrims will be allotted the VIP Darshan
  • The cost of the Srivani darshan is Rs. 10000 and the VIP Darshan is Rs. 500 or more based on the TTD available rules. Recently, the TTD has put a limit on the VIP Darshan in Tirumala. This is to make sure the common people get the Darshan as soon as possible
  • But if the pilgrims is an VVIP then they can directly contact the JEO Camp office for the Darshan and the arrangements will be made. If the pilgrims is coming to Tirumala with recommendation letter then they have to report to MBC 24

Click Here to Book for the L1 Darshan and other Break Darshan is Tirumala Online




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