Tirumala Room Booking Online Near Temple Rambagicha as below provides the details of the accommodation in Tirumala. Tirumala temple is the most visited temple in the country. During peak season there will be lakhs of pilgrims who will be visiting the temple. All the pilgrims who visit the temple will be looking for accommodation either in Tirupati or Tirumala. There are number of rest houses in Tirumala which are built by the TTD for the comfort of the pilgrims.
Pilgrims can book for the rest houses online. Like the Darshan tickets quota which will be released online. The TTD will be releasing the quota for accommodation also. When accommodation is released the pilgrims can book for the rooms which is available as per their budget.
Tirumala Room Booking Online Near Temple Rambagicha
- The Room booking process in Tirumala is not a manual one. Previously pilgrims use to book for the rooms from the CRO office offline after coming to Tirumala
- But not the situation has completely changed. The room booking has become an online process and also automated
- Through the new system, the pilgrims will not able to select the rest house which they want. The rest houses will be allotted based on the price range which the pilgrims has chosen and hence the pilgrims will get random allotment of the rooms
- The pilgrims can also visit the CRO office for the rooms and it will be allotted based on the aadhaar card of the pilgrims.
- Most pilgrims choose to stay at the Rambagicha rest houses which is near the temple. The price of the rambagicha rest house in Rs. 100 for 24 hours as of now. But the price may change as TTD is planning to do a price increase on all the rooms.
- Pilgrims cannot get the room types they want and it will be allotted normally
Room availability in tirumala
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Can I book rooms in Rambagicha booking counter?
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Hi Sir,
We want the room for 1st August for 4 people Can we get at Tirumala.
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Hi, I want room for 4 persons in Tirumala for the date 14 Aug to 16 Aug 2023. Please help to understand the procedure to book the rooms.
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Could you please confirm if the rambagicha rest rooms are available for 12 hours or 24 hours?
Hello, All Rooms are for 24 hours. Thanks
We want on 19 July for 6 persons are rooms available
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