Tirumala Tirupati Accommodation Online Booking January 2022 as below provides the latest information about the room booking in Tirumala. Previously before the COVID, the accommodation and room booking in Tirumala is done in two ways. One is through online booking and the other is through offline booking over the counter. For the pilgrims who want to book accommodation online, the online quota for all the rooms in Tirumala and Tirupati is released once every three months and pilgrims can book for the same. And for the offline booking, the temple authorities used to reserve some tickets for the on-spot booking which is also called as current booking.
With the current booking, pilgrims who want to book accommodation in Tirupati and Tirupati used to visit the counters in Tirupati and Tirumala and book the tickets offline on the spot after reaching the temple town. But after the COVID, the procedure of booking the accommodation in Tirumala has completely changed. The temple authorities have decided to allow accommodation booking only through online mode. The accommodation quota will be released every one month, online on the TTD official website.
Tirumala Tirupati Accommodation Online Booking January 2022
For the month of January 2022, the accommodation quota will be released on 28 December 2022 at 09 AM. Pilgrims can book for accommodation from the below links
Click here to Book for the Accommodation from the Mobile App
Click here book for the accommodation for the month of Janaury 2022
Pilgrims who want to book accommodation for the month of January 2022 has to follow the procedure.
- The accommodation quota will be released limitedly only. So pilgrims needs to very careful while booking for the accommodation
- Keep all the details like aadhar card and details of the pilgrims handy
- Please note, accommodation will not be provided for the pilgrims who are single at any cost.
- Also, the accommodation quota will be released for both Tirupati and Tirumala