Know the details about the Tirupati Dharamshala Rooms Online Booking near Railway Station, Tirupati Rooms Booking near Railway station
Pilgrims who want to book for the Dharamshala in Tirupati can book now. The rooms in the Tirupati Dharamshala is available now. The Dharamshala is maintained by third-party mutts for the benefit of the pilgrims. The TTD use to offer the Free Dharamshala and Rooms iN Tirumala for the pilgrims long back. But now, the TTD is not offering the facility. All the rooms even small ones, are paid in Tirupati and Tirumala. So now, the Mutts have step in to provide the rooms for the pilgrims who come to Tirumala
The pilgrims can available the Rooms in the Dharamshala in Tirupati and Tirupati. In Tirupati, there are many Dharamshala available near to the Railway Station. Below are the details about the Dharamshala in Tirumala near railway stations and the booking details.
Tirupati Dharamshala Rooms Online Booking near Railway Station
Dakshin Srinath Dham Sri Vallabh Sadan
Located 6 km from Sri Venkateswara RTC central bus stand, Dakshin Srinath Dham Sri Vallabh Sadan offers two bedded AC and non-AC rooms
Check-In:24:00 Hrs.
Check-Out:24:00 Hrs.
Food Facility:Yes
Reddy Bhavanam
Located 4 km from Sri Venkateswara RTC central bus stand, Reddy Bhavanam offers two bedded AC and non AC rooms. Meals are available here.
Check-In:09:00 AM
Check-Out:09:00 AM
Food Facility: Yes
Parking: Yes
Tirupati – Srinivasa Dhama Pejawar Mutt
Located 2 km from Sri Venkateswara RTC central bus stand, Srinivasa Dham offers two bedded AC and non AC rooms. Parking facilities have been provided
Check-In:24:00 Hrs.
Check-Out:24:00 Hrs.
Food Facility: No
Parking: Yes
 Shri Shwetambar Jain Dharamshala
1.2 km from the Sri Venkateswara RTC central bus stand, Shri Shwetambar Jain Dharamshala offers two bedded rooms for Jains only.
Check-In:24:00 Hrs.
Check-Out:24:00 Hrs.
Food Facility: No
Parking: No
Tirupati – YD Stay 45001 (Yasodha Krishna Residency)
Located 450-meter RTC central bus stand from the Tirupati
Check-In:24:00 Hrs
Check-Out:24:00 Hrs
Food Facility: No
Parking: Yes