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HomeTirumala NewsTTD Employees Canteen Timings Tirumala Benefits Location Food

TTD Employees Canteen Timings Tirumala Benefits Location Food

Know the details about the TTD Employees Canteen Timings Tirumala Benefits Location Food, Tirumala Temple Employees Canteen Food Timings Daily

Tirumala temple is a huge organization with thousands of employees working through out the globe. The temple administration do a lot of programs and also initiations for the TTD Employees. The employees can avail many benefits from the Tirumala temple. The TTD Employees Canteen is one of the great initiatives for the pilgrims who are TTD employees.

TTD Employees Canteen

The TTD Employees Canteen provides food for the TTD employees in Tirumala and Tirupati. The food will be provided for the employees at minimum cost only. The TTD Employees Canteen is available only for permanent employees of the TTD and the employees with valid id cards. The employees have great benefits in terms of food in the TTD Employees Canteen. The TTD Employees Canteen is location in both Tirumala and also in Tirupati. In Tirumala, the TTD Employees Canteen is located near the Vengamamba Annadana Satram and in Tirupati the TTD Employees Canteen is located near the Administrative building.

TTD Employees Canteen Timings Tirumala Benefits Location Food

  • The pilgrims cannot go to the TTD Employees Canteen for food as it is reserved for the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam Employees only. The timings of the TTD Employees Canteen is from 06.00 AM in the morning 10.00 PM in the evening.
  • The TTD employees can come to the TTD Employees Canteen and can avail the food in these timings.
  • The TTD Employees should carry their ID Card when coming to the TTD Employees’ Canteen for proof. The food will be provided to the employees in Tirumala for minimum cost only.
  • Morning breakfast, afternoon lunch and evening dinner will be provided to the employees. Facilities like fresh-up and also other facilities are available for the TTD employees in the canteen.
  • The TTD employees need not to pay for any facilitates usage in the complex.

Click Here to get the Location of the TTD Employees Canteen Now



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