TTD Publications Books Catalogue

TTD Publications Books Catalogue

TTD publishers many books through TTD Publications in the genre of Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Magazines & Calendars and many more in different languages which propagates Hindu Dharma, Culture and Sanatana Dharma. TTD publishes books from many eminent authors who has written books in these genres and publishers them through TTD Publications. Many books are available online for free access through TTD website and some books has to be brought.

If someone needs a book in print edition then they have to buy these books from TTD publications office or else they can buy from any TTD publications stores. If anyone want to buy these books through courier or by post then they have to send their order to TTD Publications and to the below address.

TTD Publications Address

The Editor-In-Chief, TTD, Tirupati -517501,
Contact No. 0877-2264152 / 4633.

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6 Responses

  1. Raja Srinivasan says:

    Your phone numbers do not work. I need a book that was published by TTD. Need to know where to buy it.

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