Yadagirigutta Narasimha Swamy Kalyanam Online Booking as below provides the details about the Yadagirigutta Narasimha Swamy Kalyanam which happens in the temple. Yadagirigutta Narasimha Swamy temple is the most famous temple in Telangana. Every year, lakhs of pilgrims will be visiting the temple for the Darshan of the Lord. Also, there are lakhs of pilgrims who are devotees of the Yadagirigutta Narasimha Swamy. The Kalhyanam in the temple is the most famous seva which pilgrims want to perform.
Yadagirigutta Narasimha Swamy Kalyanam Online Booking
The details of the booking are below provides the details of the timings, and procedure to perform the Kalyanam in the temple. The Kalyanam means the marriage which is performed to the Lord Narasimha Swamy. The pilgrims will be buying the ticket for the Kalyanam and will be performing and also will be participating in the Kalyanam performed in the temple.
- This Kalyanam can be performed by the Newly married couples and also unmarried people. It is very good to perform for the unmarried people as this Kalyanam is noted to help the unmarried people to get married.
- The Kalyanam in the temple is performed daily. The timings of the Kalhyanam are from 10:00 am — 12:00 pm daily. The Kalyanam will be performed inside the mandapam which is located in the temple
- The pilgrims can buy the tickets for the Kalyanam inside the temple at the temple counter or can book the Kalyanam tickets online
- But during the peak season, it is tough to get the Kalyanam tickets inside the temple counter
- The Cost of the Kalyanam ticket is Rs. 500 and pilgrims need to wear any traditional outfits for the Kalayanam. Western outfit and western wear is not allowed
- The Seva will take 3-4 hours to finish and once the seva is completed the pilgrims will be provided with the Prasadam for the Seva
Click to Book for the Yadagirigutta Narasimha Swamy Kalyanam Online Booking