2022 Makara Sankranti Date Telugu Calendar as below provides the details of the Sankranthi date. For every year, Sankranti is the first festival which will come up first. Many people in the telugu states look for the Sankranti as its equal to New year in every home. The Sankranti is also called as Makara Sankranti. In terms, both Sankranti and Makara Sankranti are same and are celebrated on the same day. In tamilnadu, the Sankranti is celebrated as Pongal and in Karnataka and Kerala the Sankranti is celebrate as Sankranti.
In Telugu states, the Sankranti is a 3 day festival where the first day will be Bhogi, Second day will be the Sankranti and third day will be Kanuma which is a celebration of the Live stock in homes. Rather than a urban festival, the beauty of Sankranti lies in the Villages and the cultural impact can be seen in each and every home of the Villages.
2022 Makara Sankranti Date Telugu Calendar
The dates of the Makara Sankranti for the year 2022 as per the Telugu calender is as below.
- Date of Bhogi 2022: 14 January 2022
- Date of Sankranti 2022: 15 January 2022
- Date of Kanuma 2022: 16 January 2022
These dates of the Bhogi, Sankranti and Kanuma is standard for the Telugu, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Kerala states. The other states in India also celebrates the Sankranti Festival is different other names. This festival is considered as the most important festival for the telugu culture and telugu states.
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There are people who celebrates the Sankranti festival in other countries also. But most of them are the Indians who has travelled from here to the other countries. The Bhogi day will be day of cleansing the house and buring the not needed objects. Sankranti day will be mostly about the Pooja and praying to the ancestors. Kanuma day will be about Praying to the Cows and Livestock in Home