Bhaskar Bhavan Guest House Tirumala Rooms Online Booking

Know the details about the Bhaskar Bhavan Guest House Tirumala Rooms Online Booking, Tirumala TTD Bhaskar Bhavan Guest House Booking Phone

Bhaskar Bhavan Guest House in Tirumala one of the private rest houses in the town. The pilgrims can come to the Tirumala temple and can book for the rooms here. There are many number of rooms in the same rest house. So the pilgrims can book for the rooms in multiple rooms. Some rooms in the Bhaskar Bhavan Guest House is reserved for the VIPs and will not be provided to nomal pilgrims. However the pilgrims can get the rooms using the recommendation letters. To book for the Rooms in the Bhaskar Bhavan Guest House the pilgrims has to follow the below process.

Bhaskar Bhavan Guest House Tirumala Rooms Online Booking

  • There are many numbe rof rest houses in Tirumala. Most of the rooms and rest houses are maintained by the TTD. So if a pilgrims wanted to book for the rooms in the TTD maintained rest house the pilgrims has to book online or offline.
  • If the pilgrims wanted to book for the rooms online, then they have to book through the TTD official website. If the pilgrims were unable to book for the rooms, then they can go to the CRO office after coming to the Tirumala temple and can book for the rooms.
  • If the rooms are filled in the CRO office, then the pilgrims can try some private rooms like the Bhaskar Bhavan Guest House. The Bhaskar Bhavan Guest House is allotted to the pilgrims using the recommendation letter or else the rest house is alloted to the pilgrims using the VIP protocol.
  • For the VIP’s the TTD will not be allotting the normal rest houses. So they reserve the private rest hosues which are in good conditions for the VIPs

Click Here to Book for the Bhaskar Bhavan Guest House Online Now in Tirumala

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