Know the details about the Govinda Sai Residency Tirumala Rooms Online Booking Phone, Tirumala Govinda Sai Rest House Online Booking Process

Govinda Sai’s Residency in Tirumala is one of the most important and also one of the major rest houses in Tirumala. This rest house is also one of the private rest houses in Tirumala. The pilgrims for now cannot book the Govinda Sai Residency Online. To book for the Govinda Sai Residency in Tirumala the pilgrims have to follow two processes. One is booking for the rest house through the recommendation letters and the other is getting the rest houses because of the VIP protocol. Many pilgrims will come to Tirumala and get the Govinda Sai Residency rooms using the recommendation letter. Most of the private residences in Tirumala are reserved for the pilgrims who come through the recommendation letter.

Govinda Sai Residency Tirumala Rooms Online Booking Phone

  • The Govinda Sai Residency is located near the main temple. The pilgrims can easily walk to the temple from the rest houses. The rest house has many types of rooms for the pilgrims. If any VIP Comes to the Tirumala temple then all the rooms will be reserved for them only.
  • The pilgrims can get the recommendation letter and submit the letters at the SPGH area. Then the pilgrims can get the rooms once the rooms are assigned.
  • However, the rooms in the Govinda Sai Residency are mostly reserved for VIP pilgrims. So if any VIP Pilgrims come to the temple in the protocol then the rooms here are assigned. This is the reason, the rooms here will be mostly not assigned to the pilgrims
  • The pilgrims can get the rooms in other rest houses if the Govinda Sai Residency is filled or reserved for any VIP. The pilgrim need to check with the SPGH allottment counter for the details about the Govinda Sai Residency rooms allocation.

Click Here to Book for the Govinda Sai Residency Rooms Online Now

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