Know the details about the Mangala Gowri Vratham 2023 Dates Pooja Tithi Timings Days List, Mangala Gowri Vrath Panchangam Dates Days Online Now
Mangala Gowri Vratham which is also known as the Mangala Gowri Vrath is an important festival for women. The women in India will be doing many types of Pooja which is done at home or else at the temple. The Pooja which is performed in a stipulated time is called as the Vratham. The pooja is called the Vratham because of the blessing which is sought from the Lord. The vratham will be done for the blessings of wealth and health in the family. This is the reason the Vratham is done by women mostly. The vratham which is done by the women along with the Husbands is considered the happiest one.
The Mangala Gowri Vratham is one such Vrath which is done for Lord Mangala Gowri. The Lord is the form of the Lord Parvathi and in turn Lord Shakthi herself. The Mangala Gowri Vratham is almost done in all the states in the country. Especially, the Mangala Gowri Vratham is celebrated in the Telugu, Tamil and also the Karnataka States.
Mangala Gowri Vratham 2023 Dates Pooja Tithi Timings Days List
Mangala Gowri Vratham 2023 Dates: 04th July 2023 Tuesday
Mangala Gowri Vratham 2023 Dates: 11th, 18th, 25 July 2023
Click here for the Mangala Gowri Vratham Vratham Procedure
- The Mangala Gowri Vratham is celebrated in the month of the Ashada. Also, the Vratham is considered auspicious if the Vratham is done on Tuesday. This is the reason the Mangala Gowri Vratham is done on Tuesdays mostly.
- The Mangala Gowri Vratham can be done any Tuesday in the month of the Ashada. The dates of the Mangala Gowri Vratham in the month is as above.
- It is not needed to do the Mangala Gowri Vratham on all four days of the month. Any one day of doing the Mangala Gowri Vratham is good. The Vratham has to be done in the tithi timings of the pooja.