Ratha Saptami in Arasavalli Temple Timings | Sun Rays Timings | Booking
Ratha Saptami in Arasavalli Temple Timings as below provides the details of the temple. Arasavalli Temple is the most famous temple for the Rathasaptamin festival. Many pilgrims will be visiting the temple on this day to have Darshan of the Lord. The temple is the abode of Lord Surya Narayana Swamy who is very famous among the pilgrims. Ratha Saptami marks the travel of the Sun from one place to another during the year. The Ratha Saptami is also called Surya Jayanti here. The temple has an amazing wonder which is not seen anywhere in the world.
On the Ratha Saptami day, the Sun rays will be touching the idol of Lord Surya Narayana Swamy in Arasavalli. So pilgrims will be visiting the temple on this day to view this wonder on the Ratha Saptami day.
Ratha Saptami in Arasavalli Temple Timings
Most of the pilgrims visit the temple to make sure they will be viewing the Sun rays falling on the wonder. So pilgrims will be reaching the temple as soon as possible in the morning. So mostly pilgrims will be lining up at the temple before night or early in the morning. It is said that it is very good to have Darshan of the Lord on this day. So pilgrims will be planning accordingly.
The timings of the Sun touching the idol will differ on the climate conditions. Pilgrims need to check the climate conditions and also local situation before booking online or else before visiting the temple at Arasavalli. Most of the pilgrims will be not able to have the Darshan of the temple during the Sunrise.
Click here to check the climate conditions & Sunrise timings in Arasavalli
If pilgrims as planning for accommodation in the Arasavalli town, then they have to make sure to book the accommodation as early as possible as most of the rooms get booked before one month itself.
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