Sringeri Mutt Tirumala Accommodation Online Booking

Sringeri Mutt Tirumala Accommodation Online Booking as below provides the information for the room booking in the temple town. Tirumala temple is visited by lakhs of pilgrims every day. Most of the pilgrims prefer to stay in the Tirumala at night if they have the Darshan the next day or else if they wish to stay in the Tirumala. For this purpose, the TTD has constructed many rest houses in Tirumala. Apart from the Rest houses, many other Mutts have constructed rest houses and also Kalyana Mandapams in Tirumala.

One of these mutts is the Sringeri Mutt which is maintained by the Sringeri Mutt. The Sringeri Mutt is located in Tirumala which provides accommodation for the pilgrims. But there are some rules and regulations for the pilgrims who want to stay in the rooms which are maintained by the Sringeri Mutt.

Sringeri Mutt Tirumala Accommodation Online Booking

Pilgrims who want to stay in the Sringeri Mutt has to follow the below instructions to make sure they stay at the Sringeri Mutt rooms in Tirumala

  • For now, there are some rooms in the Sringeri Mutt in Tirumala which the Mutt will be providing for the pilgrims at a nominal cost.
  • Mostly these rooms were booked by the people who are related to Mutt or else people who belong to the Mutt.
  • Pilgrims can book the rooms well in advance. The pilgrims can contact the Sringeri Mutt official on their phone numbers and can book the rooms at the mutt.
  • For now, there are no online booking facilities available for room booking in the Sringeri Mutt.
  • But pilgrims can book in advance using the call facility available for the booking purpose in the Sringeri Mutt in Tirumala
  • The rooms will have all the basic amenities and hot water. But pilgrims cannot expect a luxurious stay.

Click here to book for the accommodation in Tirumala

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  1. Adarsh says:

    I want room on 28/06/2023, PLEASE REPLY IF IT IS AVAILABLE

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