Tirumala Nijapada Darshanam Tickets Online Booking
Tirumala Nijapada Darshanam Tickets Online Booking as below provides the details about the Darshan in Tirumala. Tirumala Nijapada Darshanam is one of the rarest Darshan in Tirumala and most of the pilgrims who visit Tirumala will be looking for the Tirumala Nijapada Darshanam.
The details about the Tirumala Nijapada Darshanam are as below for the pilgrims who want to visit the temple. This Tirumala Nijapada Darshanam is the Seva is the most demanded seva and is tough to get for the pilgrims who are coming to Tirumala without any planning. The Tirumala Nijapada Darshanam is also called the Nijaroopa Darshanam and this seva is the most demanded seva after the Suprabatham.
Tirumala Nijapada Darshanam Tickets Online Booking
Tirumala Nijapada Darshanam is the seva in which the pilgrims will be allowed for the Darshan and the pilgrims will be able to see the idol of the Lord with minimum decoration and also minimum ornaments. In normal Darshan, the pilgrims will not be able to see the feet of the Lord and they will be able to see only the feet with the ornament on top of it. But during the Nijapada Darshanam, the pilgrims will be able to see the original feet in Tirumala. To book for the Tirumala Nijapada Darshanam pilgrims have to follow the below procedure
- The pilgrims can book for the Tirumala Nijapada Darshanam in two ways. One is through the Lucky electronic dip which will be released every month. pilgrims have to keep a track of the Lucky DIP details for the booking which is released for the pilgrims
- Once the Lucky DIP is released pilgrims will be able to enrol themselves in the Darshan and they can participate in the DIP. Once the pilgrims are selected for the lucky DIP, then they can finish the payment and can proceed further
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