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HomeDarshanTirupati Laddu Prasadam Storage Preservation Guide

Tirupati Laddu Prasadam Storage Preservation Guide

Tirupati Laddu Prasadam Storage Guide

History of Tirupati Laddu Prasadam

Tirumala laddu is considered as one of the most loved Prasadam to his highness Lord Sri Venkateswara. Even though the laddu prasadam started in 1715, it has become the identity of Tirumala temple. The laddu is given as prasadam to devotees after having the darshan in the temple. The laddu prasadam is prepared within the temple kitchen known as ‘Potu’ by the temple board Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams.

Tirupati Laddu got Geographical indication tag which entitles that only Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams can make and sell it. Tirupati Laddu was registered as Geographical Indications under the category foodstuff under the GI Act 1999. So you will never get laddu outside of temple at any cost. So, please dont believe in third party sellers or brokers on this.

Tirumala Laddu Preperation Method

Laddu Potu is the kitchen where Tirupati Laddus are prepared daily by hundreds of workers.  Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams prepare an average of 3 lakh laddus a day.

Dittam of Laddu

“Dittam” is the list of ingredients and its proportions used in making of Tirupati Laddu. The ingredients include Gram flour, cashew nuts, cardamom, ghee, sugar, sugar candy and raisins. Each day TTD,uses about 10 tonnes of Gram flour, 10 tonnes of sugar, 700 kg of cashew nuts, 150 kg of cardamom, 300 to 500 litres of ghee, 500 kg of sugar candy and 540 kg of raisins used to prepare laddu.

Storage of Tirupati Laddu Prasadam Storage Preservation and Shelf Life

Shelf life of Laddus: 10 Days

Storage:  Air Tight Container Suggested

The Tirumala Tirupati Laddu is prepared with the ingredients which has very less shelf life. There has been many instances where the Laddu got spoiled. As soon as the pilgrims get the laddus, sometime the laddus will be still be wet, f they are freshly prepared. In this case, the laddus should be kept in open air for one day, so that they can get dried. It is also suggested to change laddus to any air tight containers once they are dried. They laddus are consumable up to 10 days from the day of receiving. It is highly suggested not to consume laddus after 10 days, as they might get spoiled.

It is not suggested to leave laddus in free air as they might get infected from insects or any other infestations.




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