Tirumala Suprabhata Seva Tickets Online Booking Procedure Availability
The below information provides the latest details about the Tirumala Suprabhata Seva Tickets Online Booking Procedure Availability. Suprabhata Seva in Tirumala is most important seva. Also, the Suprabhata Seva is the most wanted seva for the pilgrims which they want to attend for the Lord.
This is the reason, the demand for the Suprabhata Seva is very high and the Seva is attended by the pilgrims in large numbers. Even though a large number of pilgrims attend the Suprabhata Seva every day in Tirumala. The tickets per day are very limited. This is the reason, the TTD has stopped providing the tickets for the Suprabhata Seva in a regular way. The Suprabhata Seva in Tirumala is now available only in the lucky dip process and the recommendation letters process.
Otherwise, the Suprabhata Seva tickets are very tough to get as there are no other options to book for the Seva in Tirumala
Tirumala Suprabhata Seva Tickets Online Booking Procedure Availability
To Book for the Suprabatha Seva, the Pilgrims has to note down the below details first
Reporting Time | 02:00 AM |
Reporting Place |
Vaikuntam Q I entrance.
Seva Timings |
3:00 am to 3:30 am
Darshan Timings |
3:30 am to 4:30 am
- The Suprabhata Seva is available for pilgrims every day. But the bookings is not available
- The pilgrims need to book for the Suprabhata Seva through the online booking only that too through Lucky DIP
- Every month the TTD will release the Lucky DIP process on the website for the Suprabhata Seva.
- Pilgrims can participate in the Lucky DIP process and the Suprabhata Seva tickets will be allotted if the pilgrims is lucky enough
- The TTD use to do the lucky dip process offline before. But now only the online lucky dip is available and offline is not available
- The pilgrims can follow the instructions from the TTD once the ticket is confirmed on the lucky dip for the Suprabhata Seva
Click Here to Install Mobile App to Book for the Suprabhata Seva Tirumala