Kanuma 2023 Telugu Calendar Dates Festival Timings Procedure

Know the latest details about the Kanuma 2023 Telugu Calendar Dates Festival Timings Procedure, Kanuma festival 2023 Telugu States Timings

Kanuma festivla is the third d day festival in the Sankranti festival. The Sankranti or the Pongal festival is celebrated for 3 days in the Telugu states. Of the three days, the third day is the Kanuma festival. The Kanuma festival for the year 2023 dates is as below. The date of the Kanuma festival is not Panchangam dependant, it is date dependant. So every year the Kanuma festival will be occurring on the same day. Like the other 3 days of the Sankranti festival, the Kanuma festival is more famous and also important in agriculture-based families. The people who have cattle will be mostly celebrate the Kanuma festival.

The Kanuma festival is especially for cattle only. The cattle as it is more important in agriculture-based communities will be worshipped on this day. This is the reason, on this day most of the people will be decorating the cattle and also will be doing the pooja for the cattle.

Kanuma 2023 Telugu Calendar Dates Festival Timings Procedure

The date of the Kanuma 2023 festival as per the Telugu calender is on 16 January 2023, Monday. The timings of the Kanuma festival will be mostly in the evening after 4 PM

  • Some people will eat the non-vegeterain on this day. Some people will not eat the non-vegeterian and will be doing the pooja for the cattle
  • On this day, the people who have the cattle will be washing the cattle and will decorate them. Once the decoration is done for the cattle, in the evening the pooja is performed for the cattle
  • Once the pooja is completed, the cattle will be taken outside and will be parading in the town or village. This is a small tradition which most of the cattle enjoy

Click Here to Know the Date of the Sankranti 2023

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