Guruvayur Temple Prasadam Online Delivery Price Booking

Know the details about the Guruvayur Temple Prasadam Online Delivery Price Procedure, Guruvayur Temple Devaswom Prasadam Online Booking

Many pilgrims who want the Prasadam of the Guruvayur temple wanted the prasadam from the temple. But the pilgrims will not be able to travel to the temple. The temple is very far compared to other temples, the pilgrims may not find it easy to reach. For some people visiting Guruvayur is one of their lifetime dreams. but it is that much to come to Guruvayur temple. These pilgrims feel they need the blessings of the Lord of the temple on them. So they feel that if they get the prasadam to their home is good. For this reason, the Guruvayur temple has experimentally tried the online booking and delivery of the Prasadam.

Later on, the temple stopped this process due to internal issues. Now the Online delivery of the prasad in the temple availability changes from time to time. However, the temple makes decisions from time to time if the prasadam is really required to be delivered to the pilgrims or not

Guruvayur Temple Prasadam Online Delivery Price Booking

  • For now, the pilgrims who want the Guruvayur temple prasadam can come to the temple and directly collect the prasadam in the temple
  • The online prasadam depends on the devaswom decision-making only. For now, the Guruvayur temple prasadam online delivery is halted. The pilgrims cannot expect the Prasadam to be delivered online
  • The pilgrims can get the Prasadam at the temple premises once the Guruvayur temple Darshan is completed. However, the pilgrims can book the prasadam at the temple for the delivery
  • The pilgrims can reach the temple office at the Guruvayur temple for details  about the Prasadam delivery and the timings of the prasadam

Click Here to Know the details about Guruvayur Temple Nivedyam Counter Timings

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