Lingaraj Temple Maha Shivratri Mahadeep Timings Live as below provides the details about the Maha Shivratri festival. Lingaraj temple which is very famous Shiva temple in the city of Bhubaneswar is visited by Lakhs of pilgrims on the Maha Shivratri festival day. On this day, a Special pooja will be performed in the temple in the timings of the Maha Shivratri. Pilgrims will be visiting the temple every day, but on the Maha Shivratri day the Darshan of the Lord will be very powerful and hence most of the pilgrims who come to the will be coming for the Maha Shivratri festival at the temple.
Lingaraj Temple Maha Shivratri Mahadeep Timings Live
The temple will be lighting a lamp on the top of the abode at the temple. The lamp is called as the Mahadeepa. This Mahadeepa will be lighted only on the Maha Shivratri day in the year. This is the reason lakhs of pilgrims will be visiting the temple to take a view of the Mahadeepa and have Darshan of Lord. The view of the Mahadeepa will be doing amazing benefits in terms of Spirituality.
- The timings of the Mahadeepa at the Lingaraj temple for the Maha Shivratri festival for every year will be around 10 pm.
- But pilgrims will throng the town by evening itself to have a view of the lamp.
- The lamp will be lighted so big that it can be seen from far away.
- For previous years, there was some COVID restriction for the Darshan during Maha Shivratri festival. But this year we can expect some relaxation.
- However, the will be many types of Darshan in the temple. Like Free Darshan, Special Darshan and VIP Darshan. Pilgrims can book for the Darshan based on their requirements. But mostly all the Darshan will be completed as soon as possible.
- The tickets for the Darshan will be available at the temple counter near the temple. It is first come first serve basis.
Click here to know more details about the Maha Shivratri Pooja Vidhanam