Tirumala Marriage Registration Complete Procedure

Tirumala Marriage Registration Complete Procedure

For pilgrims who are getting married to Tirumala, it is highly suggested to get the marriage registered in Tirumala. If any pilgrim get married in Tirumala and missed registration, then they have to come back and get the relevant from the choultries and has to do the registration. But its highly suggested for the people who are getting married in Tirumala, to finish the registration in the Tirumala itself. The process of Marriage registration in Tirumala is very easy and also its very simple.

Once the marriage is completed, then the pilgrims are requested to get the relevant documents and visit the registration office and can finish the marriage registration formalities in Tirumala.

Tirumala Marriage Registration Required Documents

The following documents are mandatory for marriage registration in Tirumala

  1. Marriage Hall Receipt
  2. Wedding Card
  3. Marriage Photo
  4. Witnesses (Not less than 3 people from both Bride and Groom Side)
  5. Any Address Proof
  6. Any Age Proof for Bride and Bride Groom

Tirumala Marriage Registration Office Address Timings

Once the pilgrims get the above the documents, they can visit the registration office in the below address and can finish the marraige registration in Tirumala

Office of the Sub Registrar and Marriage Registrar

SMC, 233, Tirumala.

The Timings of the office are from 10.30 AM -5.00 PM

Please note, the office is Holiday on Tuesdays.

For Google Map link of Marriage Registration Office in Tirumala Click Here

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2 Responses

  1. Naga surendra says:

    Hello sir Or medam i need marrigy Critepikat naga surendra weeds anjali 10-2-2023 in married date

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