Tirumala Marriage Registration
Know more details about Tirumala Marriage Registration, Tirumala Marriage Registration Procedure as below. For lakhs and lakhs of pilgrims Tirumala temple of Lord Balaji is the home god. Hence thousands of pilgrims plan to get married in Tirumala in the presence of the Lord. TTD also has made the marriage in Tirumala procedure very simple and easy. TTD has introduced the Kalyana Bedika Program through which pilgrims can finish their marriage procedures easily.
To Know more about the TTD Kalyana Vedika Program Click Here
If pilgrims finish the marriage procedure through the Kalayana Vedika program then the certificates will be provided by TTD authorities itself. If the pilgrims do the marriage in any function hall in Tirumala then they have to get the marriage registration certificate as below below procedure.
Tirumala Marriage Registration Procedure
To finish the marriage procedure in Tirumala and do the registration procedure pilgrims has to follow below guidelines. Pilgrims has to visit the Registrar office in Tirumala first. The registrar office in Tirumala is available in the below address
Office of the Sub Registrar and Marriage Registrar
SMC, 233, Tirumala
Office Timings: 10:30 am – 5:00 pm
Working Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Holiday: Tuesday
When Visiting the Sub Registrar office in Tirumala pilgrims has to carry the below documents and details to finish the Marriage registration procedure in Tirumala.
- Age proof documents
- Address Proof documents
- Marriage Photo with both bride and bride groom
- Printed Wedding Card Hard copy
- Marriage Hall Receipt
- Witnesses (3 members from both sides Parents or Relatives)
Once pilgrims furnish all the details, pilgrims can visit the above office. At the registrar office pilgrims has to finish all the marriage formalities. Once the marriage registration formalities has been completed, the marriage registration certificate will be issued to the pilgrims in 7-10 days. If the registration is completed, pilgrims will get registration certificate as well.
Hello , I was married on dec 24 2021 in TTD devasthanam in vizianagaram district and the people who are working in TTD has told that you need to take the certificate after 3 months and after that period of time we went there and asked about the certificate but they told to call the tirupati TTD devasthanam and I called to them they told we are not responsible for that plz collect ur certificate at ur vzm TTD devasthanam so could you how can I take my certificate it’s been 1and half year so please tell me any solution for it
Hello, You can proceed as intimated by the authorites. We cannot help. Thanks
My merriage
Hello, Please follow the above-specified procedure and information. Thanks
My marriage 04/12/2022my certigicat please
Hello, Please follow the above-specified procedure and information. Thanks