Tirumala Dolotsavam Arjitha Seva Darshan

Tirumala Dolotsavam Arjitha Seva Darshan

Dolotsavam is a most popular seva pilgrims and they fastest seva in Tirumala. The Timings of Dolotsavam will everyday in the afternoon. Dolotsavam is a regular seva in Tirumla. Pilgrims can book for Dolotsavam online from the TTD onliine website.

Tirumala Dolotsavam Timings

The Dolotsavam is performed daily as a Arjitha seva in Tirumala. The Dolotsavam timings are from 01.00 PM to 01.30 PM daily. The Seva is performed daily except during special occasions.

Tirumala Dolotsavam Online Booking Cost

Dolotsavam can be booked booked online from the TTD online website. The ticket cost is displayed in the website itself.

Dolotsavam Reporting Time and Reporting Point

The pilgrims who has booked for Dolotsavam has to report at the Supadham entry at 11.30 AM. After which all the pilgrims who has booked for the booked for the Dolotsavam seva will allowed to que and will be merged in to the paid seva tickets que.

Dolotsavam Tirumala Seva Procedure

Dolotsavam is generally means a relaxation seva. The Pilgrims who has booked for the Dolotsavam seva will be merged wiith the que and will be taken to the Mirror Mahal which is also called Aina Mandapam inside the temple. All the pilgrims are made to be seated.

The the Uthsav idols of Lord Sri Malayappa Swamy along with his consorts Sridevi and Bhudevi will be made to seated on the Unjal / Swing and the will be worshiped with drums and mangalavaidyas. Once the seva is completed the pilgrims will be provided Harathi and will be allowed to Darshan. All the pilgrims who attends the Dolotsavam Seva will get two small laddus per ticket. Pilgrims can get extra laddus by paying extra money at the counters or online.

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